Name: Tina Pearson
Social media handles:
IG/FB: @tinapearsonsalon Twitter: @tinapearson
How long have you been a stylist: 25 years
What inspired you to become a stylist: I always knew I would be an entrepreneur because I am fascinated by growth & process. The ideas just don’t stop! I have always been intrigued & curious by the steps required to get things done. When you match that with the feeling a woman gets when you help her feel beautiful, it's one of the most rewarding careers in the world. Having the opportunity to create keeps me passionate daily. After spending my teenage years watching older friends and cousins thrive in the beauty biz, and spending a year in Baltimore in College in the early 90’s, :-) I came home for what was scheduled to be a break and decided Hair Styling was for me.
How long have you been a salon owner: 13 years - ( brick and mortar-prior to I operated my business for 2 years within another salon)
What’s the name of salon: Tina Pearson Salon,Inc.
How many stylist: 7. Currently 4 full time & 2 Independent Part Time & I myself am a part-time stylist.
Booth rent or commission and why: I have a combination of Commission and salaried employees. I had a combo of rental and commission as an owner in NYC. After relocating to NJ, which is a state that booth rental is illegal, I decided in order to maintain brand identity and have control over profit margins, as well as stylist growth & development, commission and salary was the best option for my brand.
What products do you retail: We sell our line of products-The Tina Pearson Salon brand. As well as a few lines from Women Owned Businesses.
What’s one great thing about owning a salon: The never ending potential to grow your business. The opportunity to support a young stylist and watch their career flourish from your training.
What’s one downside to owning a salon: Managing creatives to help them understand integrity and a clean environment is non negotiable, and for them to also understand what is takes for a business to profit. Stylist often believe since hairstyling can be done anywhere, they should receive the majority of the ticket on a service sale since they are doing the work on the client. As an owner you have to take the time to help stylists understand expenses and cash flow that all businesses incur in order for said service to take place.
What is one high point as hairstylist: The earning potential- there is no cap.
What’s one low point as hairstylist: Sorry I have a few…..
:-) Weather & Seasonal hair choices that affect revenue, and the wear and tear on your body.
What is the most requested service in your salon: Shampoo herbal treatment and style. ( aka a silk press)
What advice would you give to stylist wanting to own salon: It is absolutely not for everyone. Just because you can do something it does not mean you should. You must know if its right for you. Entrepreneurship is on the rise, and everyone is eager to do there own thing and be their own boss. Regardless of where you work, you own your career, your growth, and the role you play within that company. I tell stylist often, do not open a salon just because you don't want to follow the rules of a salon you currently work in. Or you want a pretty looking business that fits your personal taste. When you open yours there will be stylist that also do not want to follow rules, if you are not passionate, highs and lows will affect you differently. From training, communications, taxes, process, strategy, HR, insurance, legal, creating systems, marketing, to name a few, a salon requires all the departments of any large corporation. Doing great hair does not equate to having what it takes to actually run a business.